Sunday, August 23, 2015

KMM - Keep Moving Movement

Imagine walking into a class of 60 high energy tenth graders...... its not cool to discuss serious stuff, its cooler to make a smart aleck comment, cooler to make the entire class laugh at someone who dares to answer a serious question like “whats your dream”,”whats your fear”. That’s your typical 16 year old, nothing wrong with that, part of growing up...... but how do you get these 60 students to focus, listen to you and have few essential take-aways and get inspired all in one hour ?.....

 I saw my friend Aditya do this beautifully and effectively at a mentoring session as part of Keep Moving Movement (KMM) at Erin Nagarwala School.  Aditya shared stories, some funny some interesting, spoke in slang hindi, discussed some movies, even sang a song but managed to engage the children and made them talk about will power and how to harness it effectively, how to face your fears, how to deserve what you desire, how to be self starters, some intense topics but made fun and simple for 16 year olds (visit to see the various topics discussed).

Aditya will be spending 7 sessions with this same class, each for an hour, discussing various self help topics – him and many more volunteers at Keep Moving Movement, a youth mentoring program have touched the lives of so many kids across India.  Aditya is an engineer and MBA from IIM (Ahmedabad), with education comes a certain amount of cynicism, so what makes him want to do this ? – He says - its more productive to do something than just whine about our education system. I couldn’t agree more. This is what drives him along with founder Naren Goidani to train thousands and soon lakhs of volunteers to become KMM trainers, to reach more cities, more schools, more tenth graders. When I call this great CSR idea for corporates, Aditya is quick to point out that why would we call it that, the volunteers “get more than they give”, these sessions make them leaders and give them something precious -  joy and gratification that is not measurable.
Such a unique and accurate perspective !!

How can you help
Become a volunteer or as a corporate you can sponsor your employees to become volunteers

 What I witnessed that morning at Erin Nagarwala thanks to my friend Aditya was a beautiful and powerful movement ---Even if one out of 60 kids gets impacted, even if that kid remembers only 10% of the concepts taught or one story--- its high ROI (return on time invested) for Adityas one hour. Of course, after first hand seeing the laughter, openness, clapping and cheering, I am sure that the impact is much larger from this simple yet profound program !!


  1. Dearest Namita,
    As I read what you have written, I could 'see' the class hapenning. Your generosity shines through in your sharing. Thanks a ton.
    With loads of love,

    1. Thanks Naren, inspired by the incredible work being done by you and your team

  2. We need more Adityas !

    What's the KMM website ?


    1. Thanks Doc, your appreciation means a lot, website is
