Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thoughts on Fundraising in India (inspired by Ritu Chhabria’s Sothebys event)

In India, charity is predominantly construed as corporate CSR or then large individual donations/ cheque writing. The beauty of the “fundraising” concept is charity as a “community/team”. There is a certain energy, joy in doing an activity as a team, group rather than just as an individual – a common cause that binds us, common beliefs that inspire us followed by immense gratification when that goal is achieved through team efforts – a beautiful memory and good karma that the group has experienced “together”

Some examples of effective fund raising in India I have personally experienced   
  1. Marathons are increasingly becoming an effective way to spread awareness on causes, have fun and do good. Ummeed, an NGO my friend Preeti Broker introduced me to works with autistic children and every year organizes a 55km walk on the beautiful beaches of Goa. Each participant raises funds for the cause (please write to me if you would like to sponsor a small amount for the jan 23, 2016 walk)
  2. Exquisite shows such as plays, dances, music, fashion shows where part of the ticket funds go to a cause.
  3. Auctions where celebrities donate their personal items, for ex a sports celebrity donates his/her jersey, helmet, bat. A good auctioneer who is sensitive but not pushy is key. I have seen my friends Chetan Wakalkar, Anshoo Gaur and Ritu Nathani do a brilliant job.
  4. Exhibitions of clothes and other articles --Like Aaraish in Bombay or Kidsventure by my dear friend Sachi Munot where part of the proceeds go to a cause. (Do visit Sachis event on 12th Sept at Hotel Ista)
  5.  Several schools do fun fairs (St Marys for Uttarakhand floods) or bake sale, some keep a donation box in class for kids.
  6. In the US, we often see children selling Girl Scout cookies or lemonade at grocery stores, the sweetest and simplest form of fundraising!
Today, I experienced another fundraiser, which inspired me to write and share.

I have known Ritu Chhabria for a few years now and she has inspired me with her ability to get large groups of people together for various fundraising activities. I have seen her do art camps with children, charity shows & auctions (always assisted by her super talented daughter Gayatri). Today I saw her host a lovely charity dinner where Sothebys educated us Puneites on Art Appreciation and the funds from the dinner passes were towards the social initiatives supported by FICCI Pune Chapter.

So what works for her, why is she able to do this so effectively?
Firstly, a clean heart and good intentions, I believe the universe conspires to make things happen when you have this!
Secondly, her ability to roll up her sleeves and put in tremendous hard work and attention to detail for every event.
Thirdly, credibility as an individual. She comes from a premier business family and people have faith in her & know that the money will go to the cause and nothing else. In addition, for years she has been doing good work through her own NGO “Mukul Madhav Foundation” (like the ngo page on Facebook to get updates on their activities)
A fundraiser is a success only if you get a decent turnout and that is Ritus strength.

Having personally organized 1 -2 such events, I can assure you that it is not easy to organize these events ---no matter how much help and money you have, organizing such mammoth events involves a lot of time, hair pulling, crisis management and behind your back snide comments. My favourite comment is from friends who will not blink an eyelid before buying a 10 lakh “IT”watch, handbag or jewellery but for a 10000 Rs ticket will say  “don’t you think the couple tickets were over priced?” or something like “I cant believe Dhonis helmet auction is starting at 50,000, what a rip off!!”

But the reason Ritu’s & several other philanthropists fundraisers are effective is simply because they do not let all this negativity get to them, instead, all they are focused on ……are the smiles they bring to the faces of hundreds of kids and others in need through their hard work and persistence!!

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