Saturday, August 1, 2015

Salman (Bajrangi Bhaijan) or Shubham (Indias latest million dollar arm) ??

Salman (Bajrangi Bhaijan) or Shubham  (Indias latest million dollar arm)?

There was a time 15 years back when I was studying in the US, the modern Indians from India and ABCDs (American born Desis) would look down on Bollywood movies. You were given a dirty look if you said you enjoy Bollywood movies, now its different – ABCDs love Bollywood movies and its
cool to watch Bollywood movies and visit India!

Do you think its wishful thinking if I hope that 15 years from today….
It will be as important to read and comment on charity blogs as fashion blogs?
News will give as much coverage to farmer suicides as Salmans tweets on Yakub
CSR departments in corporates will be as structured, organized and well staffed as other key functional departments?
People will give time rather than just money to social causes?
Buildings will boast not just of global designers but of disability – friendly ramps and toilets?
Parents will give as much time to building social sensitivity in kids as they invest in teaching them tennis or piano?

Not sure, time will tell but I am a numbers and evidence based person, so what gives me a ray of hope are the articles I have been reading in the news.
Sample set – last 2 weeks alone, articles covered (links to most articles below available on my website,
·      Ira Singhal changes rules and clears UPSC
Gist – Sad story - even after clearing her exam in 2011, government refused to appoint her due to curved spine disability, ridiculously citing that she would not be able to lift heavy packages!! After intense struggle, she got a court ruling in her favour.
·      Beno Zephine becomes first blind IFS officer
Gist – Happy story of how tremendous love from parents, school and others can make a blind girl content, confident and aspire for the stars.
·      Milkmans son Subham from a village in Haryana at 10 wins world golf series at San Diego
Gist – with no resources and just learning from you tube videos a 7 year old boy caught the attention of Golf Foundation of India that then believed in him, invested in him and trained him to win a world championship.
·      Intelligent and thoughtful analysis on farmers suicide in maharashtra
Gist – heartbreaking to read how Maharashtra topped 2014 general suicide chart, loan waivers or compensating the family of the deceased is all that gets coverage rather than intelligent analysis of farming methods and other reforms
·      Suhel Seths article on creating disable friendly buildings
·      Rehabilitaion efforts for people impacted by Malin landslide a year back

In addition to above, I am happy to see movies like Baba Amte in Marathi, Million dollar arm in English, Hawa Hawaii in Hindi …..
My favourite by far is KOMAL - an animated video for our children on child abuse, which has won several awards (10 min must see video on you tube/ my website has the link)

All of this is a beginning but we truly have “miles to go before we sleep……”

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