Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Reverse meditation

I am the queen of multitasking & pack my days with way too much, I enjoy it & even the moderate stress that comes with it is worth it as it makes me feel I am learning & growing every single day ! 

Last 5 days I got really really  sick, just a stupid viral but every inch of my body collapsed & I felt drained. I couldn't muster up the energy to do 20% of what I usually do. Taking a doctors appointment seemed like such a waste of time but at least I knew it was a bad viral that would get done in 4-5 days, I just had to hang in there for a little while.But those days made me think..

Imagine people suffering with cancer, I know so many colleagues, family friends going through it, it's so rampant & common now. One day you feel sick & your whole life changes, you feel drained but it's not 4- 5 days of torture, it's months, years of feeling sick, painful treatments, guilt of precious family savings diverted to your health, guilt of disrupting lifestyle of immediate family that has to take care of you & constantly take you to hospitals, anger of constantly feeling "why me", an accidental death is better than years of such painful suffering, change in your routine & lifestyle FOREVER, worst is knowing most times that there is no hope - at most a few extra months to sort out financials & say your goodbyes properly. 

When we are sick we get cranky, irritable as we are sick 
When we are not sick we get stressed, grumpy, angry, jealous for small things- weight gain, kids exams, work deadlines, endless reasons & events to justify our negative state of mind, no wonder neuro medicines are the fastest growing pharma segment & shrinks are making millions

Is it so hard to stay in a content & grateful state of mind ? so hard to accept "health is wealth"

Meditation makes you visualise a beautiful spot/memory & breathe deeply to de stress.  I say lets do " reverse meditation at times" - imagine how sick & poor people feel every single day. Remind ourselves of how a viral can feel & then say to yourself "at least u or ur dear one doesn't have cancer" all else has solutions or is just a passing phase. Maybe I am a nutcase but when I do this reverse meditation - its a wake up call, makes me ashamed of being so ungrateful & jolts me out of my negativity

It's helped me become a happier person, try it !

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