Saturday, September 5, 2015

Please see this lovely video - Ekansh Job fair

Today Vir & I attended Ekanshs job fair for People With Disabilities (PWD)
What a well planned event !!
1. Around 1000 PWD will attend over next 2 days
2. 14 companies had stalls to recruit
3. 3 contractors were present to ensure job opportunities even for PWD with lower qualifications
4. Mr Kunal Kumar, our PMC commissioner took out time to inaugurate & spoke well
5. Akash, our friend with half a body & Kaushalya, who is an amazing blind girl spoke so well too

Anita amazes me with her ability to work so hard & selflessly. I have been in touch with her & know how tough last week has been, banners not printed well (they got a printer at midnight yesterday who reprinted the banners), family members falling sick, repeated calls with no responses from several companies (dignity demands people at least return the call/ message & say no), participating companies bailing out last minute!
Still 14 of some of the best companies in Pune & 50 volunteers ( well trained by Anita a week prior) were there, all smiling & happy to help.
I am so proud of you Anita, keep up the good work ! 
          How do you measure success of such an event ?

          how many footfalls/ attendees at the fair ?
          how many offers were given at the job fair by the 14 companies ?
          how many candidates accepted the offers and got placed ?
          over the course of the year how many PWD were placed based on the database ?
          post placement Anita will have to sensitise the company people
          she will have to handhold the PWD with certain soft skills to help them settle.
          Did the PWD post placement stick around or leave after few months?
          of course one must never ignore the intangibles like...
          giving an opportunity and hope to so many PWDs
          the smiles and happiness this fair brings is immeasurable......

         How can you help
I have placed a deaf candidate in Finance 6 months back & she has been amazing. I look forward to placing more.
Post this fair there will be an organised robust database of candidates (email, simple to navigate & with all the information you need. Please try to help in placing these candidates over the coming year till the next job fair.

These employees will be an inspiration & role models in your organisations. Like my son Vir who attended the fair with me, rightly summarised " Mom, I loved the smile on Akash & Kaushalyas faces, they are so happy & content". 

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