Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Gauri Gadgil - what a girl !!

Very often we search for inspiration – travel places, read books, network at conferences, listen to ted talks …….if we look hard enough, very often this inspiration is in our very own backyard !
I discovered one such hidden jewel, an inspiring girl, Gauri Gadgil in our very own Pune ! Thanks Palak Krishnamoorthy for introducing me to Gauri !

What I read in the media about her before meeting her
1.     Gauri is 25 and has down syndrome
2.     She has won 55 medals in various national and international swimming championships
3.     She was removed from normal school as other kids used to tease and even bite her at times, thereafter she studied at a special school
4.     The award winning marathi movie Yellow is based on her story and after a 2 year search when they couldn’t find anyone to act in it, Gauri in her usual confident style volunteerd to do it herself and did a great job !

When I met her, what I experienced first hand and learned about her
1.     What Gauri is today is all thanks to the support and strength of her mother Sneha. Being a mother myself, I cant even imagine what Sneha must have gone through.  Sneha is so calm, composed and looks like Gauris older sister.
2.     Gauri loves dressing up. Sneha confided that she never takes Gauri shopping or else she would wipe her out clean with her never ending shopping demands/ requests.  I could not believe how Gauris face lit up when we gifted her bags, perfumes, lotions…..made my day to see that smile !
3.     Gauri just completed her BA last year and has been learning Bharatnatyam for 16 years. How she finds time for this after 6 – 7 hours of swimming every day is beyond me.
4.     Gauri does not like junk food. She only likes rotis and vegetables. When we offered her chips and cake, she made a face which most mothers can only hope their kids would make looking at junk food.

Before I met Gauri, an educated, socially conscious person like me did not know the difference between Autism and Down syndrome. I read up on it, I explained it to my children. What kids like Gauri need is inclusion and acceptance and love and nothing really beyond that and yet they rarely get it, not due to their issues but due to ignorance and insensitivity of the society we live in.

It is our resposnibility to spread awareness( good work being done by NGOs Navshitij and Ummeed), support and give a lot of love to these kids and their parents who have admirable strength to deal with their daily struggles and yet never give up ! Lets join them in celebrating their small wins, lets applaud their spirit, lets highlight and felicitate stories of victory of mind over body like our very own, darling Gauri Gadgil !!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Social Entrepreneur Dhruv Lakra

I have been guilty of stereotypes …
Expecting social entreprneurs to be soft spoken, kurta and jhola attired
Thinking its ok to “feel sorry for” and “help” the disabled

Today’s experience shattered all these stereotypes …

I run a program for kids 11-18, called YEA to teach them entrepreneurship and we had Dhruv Lakra as a speaker this morning. He runs Mirakle Couriers, a for profit delivery service that employs deaf adults.

Was he soft spoken and with a jhola ? absolutely not ….smart, savvy and direct “if anyone looks at their cell phone while I am speaking, I will take it and smash it ” are his words prior to the talk
“ the differently abled  don’t need your ladoos, they need you to give them jobs”
“don’t feel sorry for them, give them respect and treat them as equals”

these words will stay forever with me and hopefully our kids who heard him today …….

Banker at Merrill Lynch, Skoll Scholar at Oxford turned social entrepreneur, Dhruv Lakra doesn’t believe in NGO/ charity being sustainable in the long run. He started a for profit company Mirakle Couriers to make a more permanent and sustaianble impact for the deaf adults. While travelling in a bus, Dhruv found a deaf boy sitting a few seats away from him and noticed the difficulty the boy was having communicating with the conductor. This was the trigger, the inspiration which started Mirakle Couriers. Today he employes 55 deaf adults for 2000 deliveries a day serving 45 clients !

3 examples which demonstrate few of many challenges he faces every single day …

He told us about one female customer who threatened to shut down his business  as she thought that the delivery boy was giving her a flying kiss when all he was doing was saying thank you in sign language, ignorant…

Secretary of a society expected his delivery boy to climb 5 floors with 14 kg of packages as delivery boys were not allowed to use the building elevators, inhuman …

Clients expect discounts compared to other delivery services as they assume that Dhruv gets work done for free from the deaf, insensitive …

Please learn more about this enterprise at  -

Few facts we all must know and share

1.   Four out of 1,000 children in India are born deaf.
2.   Alexander Graham Bell, whose own mother and wife were deaf, invented the telephone.
3.   Thomas Edison, the inventor of electricity was deaf.
4.   Famous German composer and pianist, Beethoven’s hearing began to deteriorate in his twenties. Even after he became completely deaf, he continued to compose music.
5.   September 26 is recognized as the “Day of the Deaf” in India.

Today Dhruv certainly changed the way 25 kids at Cathedral, 4 YEA teachers and I think about the differently abled, especially the deaf, the most invisible voiceless disability in India.

We wish Dhruv the very best in his entrepreneurial journey and in his quest to create a brand that is known for its service and efficiency and not just social impact!

Monday, June 13, 2016

De- silting as a scalable solution to drought - an amazing story

Drought has reached unprecedented levels in the last 2 years with devastating socio – economic consequences for our country.
Here I would like to share an amazing story (shared by someone I truly admire – Amit Chandra, head of private equity Bain Capital and one of the most active and inspiring philanthropists in india). It is an incredible story of how some individuals and ngos got together to tackle this issue through desilting.

What is desilting ?
There are thousands of primarily earth filled dams across India (about 1845 in Maharashtra). Most have accumulated significant amount of silt (soil or sediment in water bodies), leading to reduced water storage capacity. Desilting is the process of reducing the silt in water bodies for increasing the storage capacities.

Live case study – Jiv Rekha Dam (Jalna)

Facts of the case

  •         1,15,000 tractor trolleys of silt excavated from the dam to increase capacity by 10%
  •        silt transported by farmers and applied to 1500 acres of land

Benefits of Desilting

Water availability

  • All 7 villages drawing water daily since may 2013 and not facing water issues
  • Nearly 40 irrigation wells and 12 drinking water wells recharge
Farmer income

  • Farmer income increased due to improvement in farm productivity due to silt application.
  • Farmers input costs reduced due to lower fertiliser usage
Benefits to the government

  • Decrease in government spending on fertilizer subsidy and drought mitigation measures (esp no loan waivers required
  • Savings on water tankers which are extremely expensive to operate

The cost of desilting was 1.7 cr and the returns in year 1 itself were 6.4 cr !! This is what we call an extremely high social return on investment J
The team has replicated this successful model in 3 more dams in Beed this year and post monsoon will share the statistics on benefits. The team is also working on pitching this model to the government (PMO) so that the government can make this a national initiative that can be replicated in more villages!!
I know Amit himself has been camping in Latur and Beed for several days to personally supervise and make sure the work gets completed before monsoon.

Stories like these give me hope…… hope that smart and caring individuals can make a difference and may have the luck and ability scale this nationwide… positively impact  the lives of millions of poor farmers who are the pride of our nation !!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sunil Wadhwani & Srikanth Bolla

I just returned from a month long business- vacation trip to the US. What always amazes me is how Americans feel pride in so many things – proud to be an alumnus of a school or college and wanting to give back, proud of the heritage- culture of the state they belong to, proud to be Americans ! On the other hand most (not all) Indians in India don’t really feel this pride in being Indians. Granted we have a lot to be cynical about, the corruption, pollution, poverty…list is endless but I always believe the word “motherland” was coined for a reason. If your mother gets really sick and handicapped, yes you will feel bad but at the same time, you will do your best to help her. So why cant the criticism vs contribution be at least in the ratio of 2:1 vs 100:1 or more that I currently see??

I met several Indians in America who are well off, spend hours analyzing and criticizing India and when asked why they don’t try to make a difference and give back, replied “I am an American and not an Indian” Convenient J
On the other hand, I also met family and friends who handed me cash and cheques to donate to ngos
But the ratio of criticism vs contribution hasn’t changed…it is still skewed and the criticism and cynicism is endless……

The goal of this blog is to spread awareness about some inspiring philanthropists and good work being done, I would like to share 2 amazing people I met in the US, at a conference in Philadelphia – Indiaspora organized by my dear friend Rajan Navani, one of the most competent but more importantly one of the nicest people I know.
So here are the 2 stories ----

Mr Sunil Wadhwani, founder of Igate, entrepreneur, multi billionaire, who is giving back crores and more importantly his time and intellect to make a difference. Please visit
Watch this 15 minute video where he speaks so well about the work he is doing

Gist – he is helping on 2 fronts
Firstly, identifying and funding health innovators as he rightly believes that  technology can significantly increase access & reduce cost of healthcare in india
he has identified 170 health innovations and his foundation is personally funding and helping 15 of these, he is in the process of raising 30 million dollar social venture fund for India as he believes that social entrepreneurship is the most under funded area in India.
Secondly, he has tied up with 3 state governments, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan & Odisha to manage and run their primary heath care centers (220 in Rajasthan alone, first time in the history of Rajasthan that anything like this has been turned over to the private sector. The success of these 220 will then be replicated by the government in the 10,000 clinics they manage!). A much needed structured and corporate approach to healthcare for the poorest!

The second inspiring person I met is Srikanth Bolla, blind entrepreneur from a very poor background who has created a 50 cr company !
Watch this 11 min video to see how beautifully he speaks

Gist – he had to sue the indian government as he wasn’t allowed to pursue science post 10th, was the first international student to graduate from the prestigious MIT school in US and has stated a company to make eco friendly products that hires 150 people, 70% being disabled! WOW
When you read about such people, you wonder how they will be in person and when I met him, I was inspired by his spunk, wit & confidence!

I look forward to sharing many more such stories in the coming months, do try to connect with these ngos/ philanthropists and contribute, if nothing else….read, spread the word, get inspired and most importantly feel proud to be an Indian !